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Symptoms and Clinical Features

Individuals diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) often possess a heightened sensitivity, comparable to having a raw nerve exposed. Even minor occurrences can provoke intense emotional responses, and once upset, finding resolution or returning to baseline becomes challenging. This emotional instability and difficulty in self-soothing can result in rocky relationships and impulsive, sometimes even risky, actions.


A symptom is something an individual notices about themselves, while a clinical feature or sign is something a doctor or professional notices. Explore various symptoms and clinical features below that individual's with BPD often resonate commonly with. Keep in mind that not all individual's with BPD experience all the below symptoms and features, as BPD falls on a spectrum similar to many other disorders.


“You have mastered the art of protecting your conscience while completely masking your sooul.”
― Angel Foxx, Poetic Turbulence

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